
The Importance Of Emergency Recall Training

If you own a dog you know that everyday there is a new challenge. How many times have you gone to answer the door and your dog slips out the door? I am sure that everyone that has ever owned a dog has had this happen to them at least once. It can be a very scary situation if you live on a busy street, or even if you live out in the country. If you have never trained your dog in anticipation of this moment, things could end badly.

Hopefully the tips listed below will help you if your dog ever gets away from you.Here are two tips on how to get your dog back inside if they bolt out the door.If your dog runs out the door and you need to get him back, the best thing to do is not chase him. This makes it somewhat of a game and they may continue to run and could possibly end up in the street. You actually want the dog to chase you or make him think that you have something or are doing something that is far more fun than what he is doing outside.

Start by calling their name really excitedly, possibly showing them a treat, shaking the treat can, whatever gets their attention. When they come running back to you super excited and wondering what all of the excitement is about, reward him with attention and treats. It may be very difficult to refrain from yelling and screaming at the dog for what he has done, but we want to positively reward him for coming to you. Rewarding him for returning when called will greatly increase the chance that if he gets out again, he will come back.

If you scold him, he may not want to come back because he will remember the negative actions shown.Another way to achieve the same end result is to train your dog with a recall word. A one word command that can be any word that you feel comfortable yelling in public. Think of it as a come command with a lot more bravado. Train them that when you say that word and they come to you they receive treats and lots of good praise. You should conduct your training in many different situations so that he learns to focus on you no matter what the distraction level is.