
How to stop a dog from barking too much

A barking dog can be a real problem and can annoy your neighbors immensely. So how do you deal with a barking dog problem? Dogs can bark for many different reasons, some of these reasons are:to alert the other pack members to danger,to attract your attention,when excited,to answer other dogs,as an expression of fun, as in play,loneliness,other reasons, that dog behavioral experts haven't even thought of.The solution to the problem would not necessarily be to stop your dog barking, but rather to stop him from barking in the wrong circumstances.

Probably one of the most effective means to stop your dog from barking is to employ the aid of sound aversion therapy. Please read the section on sound aversion therapy applied to dogs first by clicking here then return to this page.Firstly, you will need to find the reason why your dog barks. A main duty of a pack leader is to defend the pack. It may well be that if your dog barks when people approach, especially if it is an aggressive bark, that he is seeing his role as pack leader. If this is the case the first thing you will need to do is to demote him in rank. For ways to demote his rank please click here.Even if your dog does not see himself as leader, he may still bark to alert you. This should be what you want him to do. Thank him and immediately investigate what is making him bark. If he does see you as pack leader, but still carries on barking when you go to investigate the problem you will need to use aversion therapy.It will be easier if you enlist the help of someone else. Here's the scenario. Someone approaches the house. Your dog barks. You thank him and go to investigate. Unfortunately your dog continues to bark. Your helper who has taken up a position behind your dog throws the can or reprimand chain down behind your dog's back legs. This should stop him, as soon as he stops, your helper praises him.

Repeating this process should allow you to get to the situation that your dog will alert you to danger, but will stop barking once you have thanked him and left to investigate.Suppose you have a problem with the postman delivering mail. Your dog hears the postman when he is still doors away and starts barking madly and barks uncontrollable when the letters are posted through the door. This problem should be solved relatively easily by using the sound aversion therapy technique. Simply throw the can down whenever your dog barks.What about the problem of your dog barking incessantly when everyone is away from home. First you need to ensure that your dog is ranked correctly. Does your dog think that he is highly ranked? If he does, click here to see how to demote your dog's rank.This can often solve the problem.Still not solved?

It could be an anxiety related problem.Try allowing your dog access to a crate. Often you will find your dog will feel far more secure in a crate. This will also often cure the problem.However sometimes it is necessary to apply aversion therapy when your dog actually barks. As you can imagine particularly as your dog barks when you are away. Exactly how are you going to apply aversion therapy when you are not there?This is the perfect case for a collar which emits a harmless spray when your dog barks. This product is effective and will not hurt your dog. A barking dog can be a real nuisance to your neighbours and can affect your relationship with them. The money you spend on this product will be well worth it

.Obviously barking problems can manifest themselves in many different situations. It's almost impossible to cover all eventualities. The best solution is to use some imagination together with either a de-ranking process, aversion therapy or a combination of both. The facts presented above should enable you to solve virtually any barking dog problem; otherwise you will need to call in a local dog behavioural expert.I recommend a great ebook dealing with dog behavioural problems which also provides a very effective dog training method. For more information, Please Click Here! For more dog behaviour articles please click here.    Recommended Reading on Dog Training, House Training, Care and Behavioural Problem Solutions. Please Click Here